CTA Written and Oral Examination Preparation Course


The primary objective of this course is to prepare the supervisee and TA practitioner for the CTA exam conducted by EATA and/or ITAA.

The group is expected to provide additional support to the candidate, complementing the primary supervisor with the necessary preparation for both the written and oral parts of the exam. This type of collaborative work can be particularly beneficial in a group dedicated to this goal, where all members share the same objective. This allows for unique support during preparation, alongside the specific and specialized guidance you can receive from the leader/supervisor of this group.

The exam consists of two parts, and accordingly, the preparation will be divided into two phases.

1st phase

The first, more prolonged phase will focus on the written exam, spanning 11 sessions over 13 months.

Topics of the first phase include:

  • Explaining the instructions from the ITAA/EATA Handbook regarding the written exam
  • Clarifying individual questions and discussing potential interpretations
  • Guidance on references
  • Providing feedback on what the supervisee has written
  • Responding to supervisees’ questions
  • Offering the necessary emotional support and encouragement for writing
2nd phase

The second phase will be shorter, conducted over the following 5 months, focusing on preparation for the oral exam.

Topics of the second phase include:

  • Explaining the instructions from the ITAA/EATA Handbook regarding the oral exam
  • Support and guidance in selecting appropriate audio recordings
  • Support and guidance in preparing written materials for the oral exam (logs, recommendations, etc.)
  • Responding to supervisees’ questions
  • Providing the necessary emotional support and encouragement
  • Organizing MOCK exams


Criteria for joining this group include

  • A readiness for serious commitment to writing and exam preparation
  • All requirements must be met (or the possibility of meeting them within the next year) to be eligible for the exam
  • Active and passive use of the English language

The next cycle of the CTA preparation group will commence in September 2025. Dates to be confirmed – please sign up for our mailing list below.

Length: The total duration of the program is 80 school hours

Times: The course will be held online, on Fridays, from 11 am to 3 pm, with short breaks.

Mode: Online

Number of supervisees: from 5 to 8

Costs: 960 €  – 7.233,86 kn

Next dates

More Information? Contact us. 

Involved Supervisors

Tatjana Gjurković


Psychologist, registered play therapist-supervisor (RPT-S), certified transactional analyst-psychotherapist (CTA-P), and teaching and supervising transactional analyst (TSTA-P) with the EATA and ITAA. She gained her initial work experience in a kindergarten, where she recognized the importance and necessity of working with children and parents. This led her to specialize further in play therapy in addition to her education in transactional analysis.

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Maja Sedmak Cvelbar


Psychologist, psychotherapist, and provisional teaching and supervising transactional analyst (PTSTA-P). She studied psychotherapy at Institute IPSA (Institute for Integrative Psychotherapy), where she now collaborates as a teacher and supervisor. She previously worked in a school providing advisory and psychological support to students. For nearly ten years, Maja has been working in private practice with adults and children, with a passion for working with adolescents. She has extensive experience in dealing with anxiety disorders and trauma. Maja is also the president of the Slovenian TA Association (Slovenia).


Alessandra Pierini


Psychologist, psychotherapist, teacher, and supervising transactional analyst (TSTA-P, O) with the EATA and ITAA. For over twenty years, she has worked with children in clinical and educational contexts. Alessandra is the founder and co-director of Physis (a center providing psychotherapy, counseling, and education in TA in Rome), where she practices privately with children, adults, and groups and leads a Master – TA psychotherapy course for working with children.


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