Tatjana Gjurković
Tatjana Gjurković (Croatia) is a psychologist, registered play therapist-supervisor (RPT-S), certified transactional analyst-psychotherapist (CTA-P), and teaching and supervising transactional analyst (TSTA-P) with the EATA and ITAA. She gained her initial work experience in a kindergarten, where she recognized the importance and necessity of working with children and parents. This led her to specialize further in play therapy in addition to her education in transactional analysis. She is the founder and director of Centar Proventus d.o.o., as well as the primary course leader and supervisor within the Ama Dablam Institute for Relational Psychotherapy and Education. She works with children, adults, and groups and actively advocates for the promotion of mental health and the usefulness of psychotherapy for all age groups. She is an organizer of numerous educational programs featuring foreign lecturers in the field of play therapy and transactional analysis. She is the co-author of more then 20 therapeutic picture books and an author of a book on play therapy.
Local Time
- Timezone: America/New_York
- Date: Nov 04 2024
- Time: 11:00 am